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Find E-Books Here: E Books For Students, Faculty & Staff

ACLS Humanities E-Books
(If You're Off-Campus, Click Here)
Offers a collection of over 5,700 scholarly e-books, from over 125 publishers, on a wide variety of academic topics in the arts, sciences and humanities.

Cambridge EBA Collection
(If You're Off-Campus, Click Here)
Offers access up to 50,000 e-book titles on a wide variety of academic topics.

Electronic Book Center (OhioLINK)
(If You're Off-Campus, Click Here)
Contains more than 125,000 e-book titles, covering numerous subjects, and includes scholarly monographs, encyclopedias, dictionaries and other reference works.

ProQuest E-Book Central
(If You're Off-Campus, Click Here)
Provides full text e-books covering a variety of subjects. 

Springer E-Books
(If You're Off-Campus, Click Here)
Contains more than 60,000  e-books in computer science, physical sciences, medicine, and mathematics.

Wiley E-Books
(If You're Off-Campus, Click Here)
Contains over 20,000 scholarly and professional electronic books, handbooks, dictionaries, companions and landmark book series.