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College Life
Parking Enforcement and Penalties

Parking Enforcement and Penalties

Note: The fact that a person parks in violation of any law, policy or regulation and does not receive a citation does not mean that the law, policy or regulation is no longer in effect.

Using emergency flashers does not allow drivers to illegally park in their vehicles particularly in handicapped spaces, fire lanes, or in delivery zones unless authorized by the Campus Police Department. Parking on campus is a privilege, not a right. The privilege may be revoked for continued or gross violations of parking regulations.

The College reserves the right to ticket and/or immobilize or tow, at the owner’s expense, vehicles that are parked on campus in violation of any established law, policy or regulation.

Clark State Parking Violations

  • No Valid Employee Parking Permit: $10
  • Visitor Parking: $10
  • Student in Faculty/Staff Lot: $20
  • Improper Parking: $20
  • Parking on Grass, Sidewalk, Loading Zone or Other Restricted Areas: $25

Local/State Law Violations

  • Fire Lane Parking
  • Handicapped Parking
  • Disobeying Traffic Control Device
  • Reckless Operation
  • Refusing to Give Name or Giving False Information - Criminal Charge of Obstructing Official Business

Any vehicle ticketed for a Clark State violation that displays a permit will have the fine charged to the permit holder. If the fines assessed are not paid within ten days, a hold will be placed on the permit holder’s account, which will prevent the permit holder (if a student) from registering for the following academic term. For Clark State citations issued to faculty and staff that are not paid within ten days, a payroll deduction will be assessed on the first pay of the next calendar quarter. Fines can be paid in the Cashier’s Office.

Fines assessed for local/state law violations are payable to the City of Springfield and may require a court appearance. Failure to pay local/state law violations will result in a warrant issued by the Springfield Police Department.

Appeal Process
Only Clark State violations can be appealed. Those wishing to appeal local/state law violations must appear before the Springfield Municipal Court Magistrate or Judge.

Parking Citation Appeal Form

Towing and Impounding Motor Vehicles
In accordance with Ohio Revised Code, motor vehicles will be removed and impounded under the following circumstances:

  • Parked within 10 feet of a fire hydrant or within 30 feet of a stop sign.
  • Obstructing a fire lane.
  • Parked in such a manner as to block a driveway or other motor vehicles, block a service entrance, create a hazard to public safety, impede construction and/or maintenance requirements, or block pedestrian traffic.
  • Parked in an area where “No Parking” signs are situated, in an area which is otherwise reasonably designated to prohibit parking or in an area where parking is not reasonably intended ( i.e., College sidewalks, lawns, etc.).
  • Parked in a parking zone not designated for such motor vehicle (i.e., service/vendor space, reserved space, visitor space or any other restricted space).
  • Abandoned or in the process of repair on College property, provided that the motor vehicle shall be determined abandoned if it continuously occupies a parking space for 48 consecutive hours.
  • Parked in a handicapped space without the proper state handicapped parking tag or license plate.
  • If it has been used in or connected with the commission of a felony.
  • If it has been damaged or wrecked so as to be inoperable, whereby its continued presence or operation would constitute a condition hazardous to life, limb or property.

If a motor vehicle has been towed, the registered owner shall contact Dan’s Towing and Recovery, 1750 Titus Road, Springfield, Ohio 45505, 937.324.4666, to recover the vehicle. The registered owner shall be responsible for any resulting tow and storage costs.

The Clark State permit holder shall be responsible for any fine(s) issued as a result of the violation that caused the vehicle to be towed.

Clark State College shall not be responsible for losses or damage to any vehicle towed from college property.