Air Force GEM

Clark State College is proud to work with the Community College of the Air Force to offer online courses that meet the CCAF requirements for the Associate of Applied Science degree. We offer a 50% discount to all active duty military and 50% discount to their spouses.
Apply online today! Select “Active Duty Military” on the application. You will be assigned an academic counselor who will assist you with the GEM enrollment process.
Virtual Tutoring Support Services
Online Writing Lab: Students can request help with a variety of writing assignments, including essays, research papers and lab reports by submitting their work online for an online tutor’s review.
Brainfuse: Is a free virtual tutoring service that can be accessed through Blackboard for courses in which students are enrolled. Log into Blackboard and find and click Tools the Blackboard Home Page. Click Brainfuse and search for the type of tutoring you’re requesting. You will be connected to a tutor.
Khan Academy
Khan academy offers free online tutoring lessons and exercises in math, statistics, economics, science, arts, and humanities. Students can visit to create a free account and start learning.
Questions? We're here to help!
Alvin Tucker Veteran & Military Specialist